Hi everyone,
Hope you had a good turkey!
I couldn't post anything except for the comments for the last few days. Looks like my internet browsers at home just freeze up when I click the post button.
Anyway, I started to read "The Reenchantment of Art" by Suzi Gablik. Finished chapter 1. Looks interesting so far, very much what I've been thinking. The major comment that I have at this point is that she seems to focus (at least in the first chapter) on the ecological and social aspects of art, which have a great value to me. I wish my art develops into this direction in the future. However, I'm also very interested in the therapeutic aspects of art. Here, I would like to differentiate between art as a therapy for the artist and art as a therapy for the viewer. Although I have been mostly focusing of the first category, the second one is of an equal or greater importance for me, as it is actually related the tradition of iconography.
Ron, I keep thinking about my project #1. So far the only thing that I really want to change is the thickness of the letters. I kind of like the mechanical, san-serif look of them, and the idea of putting them together like the pieces of the puzzle. That is something I envisioned from the beginning. But I think your suggestion in terms of using unusual props is really valid, and I will certainly try it for my future projects.
Also, I started the mental draft of the narrative-I hope I will be able to show it to you on Tuesday.