Saturday, March 17, 2007

2007 Women's Music, Art, Dance & Word Festival: Celebrating Diversity

The show was opened at the 2nd City Council gallery on Saturday, March 10 ( I really enjoyed the diversity of work that included all sorts of art mediums, as well as performances. Here are some pieces that I liked:

Judy Y
Model #5047
Lightjet C-print

This is the photographic portrait of a doll against dark background. The light on the mirrored image is perfectly symmetrical, and that probably makes it more disturbing. It talks to the value of the individual and the way it's perceived in the media.

Linda Bundlin
Ruby Slipper
35 mm Film Tapestry

This artist has been working as an editor for a while. Her piece is a collages put together from the pieces of 35 mm film. It looks like some sort of 3D installation from the distance, but then the viewer can move closer and see the individual images on the film.

Eileen Anderson
mixed media

This is a 3D installation of a female figure covered with the product labels and the wire (the kind of wire that is used on barber-wired fences for animals). "Women are often objectified and treated with disrespect".

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